
6 06, 2023

Travel-Fever in Hamburg’s new vaccination centre


I was invited to paint at the new vaccination centre of Hamburg/Rothenburgsort among other artists. The idea  to make the centre more accessible to the visitors as well as introducing challenging ideas, instead of merely decorating the walls. The staff specifically chose the motive [...]

Travel-Fever in Hamburg’s new vaccination centre2023-06-29T11:56:14+00:00
13 04, 2023

Upcoming show – Faces of Veddel


Since October 2022, I have been working on a giant artwork, redesigning the metro station Veddel (Ballinstadt) for German Railway (DB). Involving people and organisations onsite, the idea was to create a motive that represents the neighbourhood and its people. The Result is the [...]

Upcoming show – Faces of Veddel2023-04-26T19:46:04+00:00
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