
5 05, 2018

Munich Walls – Urban Art auf Muenchens Waenden


Recently, a book about the murals of Munich was published (ISBN: 978-3-940839-44-2, Hirschkaefer Verlag) and I was very happy to see that it featured the work at the Candid Platz which I did for MUCA. As well as a collaboration piece I did together [...]

Munich Walls – Urban Art auf Muenchens Waenden2018-07-04T21:07:10+00:00
16 04, 2018

Lapiz at Street Art City and Pinta Malasana


In April I was invited to transform one of the old hotel rooms in Street Art City. Street Art City is a Museum some hours south of Paris near Lurcy-Levis. I stayed for about a week, painted a little spot outside and some canvas [...]

Lapiz at Street Art City and Pinta Malasana2018-07-04T20:52:28+00:00
18 03, 2018

The Hero is you


A few months ago I was asked to paint a facade in Hamburg's Karolinenviertel, just steps away where the G20 summit took place in 2017. Asking what the subject should be I just received one word "Snowden". What began were weeks of researching the [...]

The Hero is you2018-07-04T20:39:29+00:00
15 01, 2018

LAPIZ: Walls – Posters – Installations (the book)


When I work on the streets I want to interact with the people. Though I have a clear idea what I want to paint and say with the motive the question always remains if the people "get it". On the street I cannot stand [...]

LAPIZ: Walls – Posters – Installations (the book)2018-04-22T21:43:08+00:00
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