
17 06, 2018

Exhibition in Museum (Dinslaken) and KSL


During this years Kunst Statt Leerraum (KSL) Festival in Dinslaken (Germany), I had the opportunity to take part at an exhibition curated by the Museum Voswinkelshof. The retrospective featured art of the last five years, including works by Max Zorn, Nikita Golubev and many [...]

Exhibition in Museum (Dinslaken) and KSL2018-07-04T22:47:11+00:00
20 05, 2018

Fortune Wheel at Lunatic Festival


The Lunatic Festival in Luneburg, Northern Germany is organised and run by a group of students at Leuphana University. Nonetheless, it features some major music acts and hosts over 5000 visitors during one weekend. I was invited to create an installation and took the [...]

Fortune Wheel at Lunatic Festival2018-07-04T22:37:19+00:00
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