
22 09, 2016

New Mural for MUCA


Recently, I finished painting my mural "Maslow 3.0" at the Candidplatz in Munich, Germany. The event was organised by Muca (Museum for urban and contemporary art) Munich who made a huge effort to make this exciting project happen. I also find myself in great company, [...]

New Mural for MUCA2017-04-26T13:14:05+00:00
26 08, 2016

Lapiz at iBUG 2016


I just got back from the iBUG Urban Art Festival. The iBUG takes places once a year and invites artists from all over the world to transform industrial ruins (iBUG = Industriebrache-Umgestaltung). This year it took place in an old fabric in the city of [...]

Lapiz at iBUG 20162017-04-26T13:07:28+00:00
18 08, 2016

Exhibit at “Haus der Kunst”


I had a very exciting week as I am exhibiting some of my works on canvas and prints at the "Haus der Kunst" in Bad Harzburg, Germany, located in the beautiful region of the Harzer mountains, close to Braunschweig, Hannover etc. For that occasion I [...]

Exhibit at “Haus der Kunst”2017-04-16T19:45:11+00:00
29 07, 2016

Lapiz paints #Yolo at Urban Up


Once a year the Urban Up Festival in Leipzig (Germany) is showcasing the work of (inter)national artists. So, I was very happy to be invited to paint a wall live during their festival. I painted '#YOLO, you only live online' showing a junkie hooked up [...]

Lapiz paints #Yolo at Urban Up2016-11-29T20:35:43+00:00
15 06, 2016

Lapiz at Meeting of Styles 2016


I just came back from the 15th anniversary of the 'International Meeting of Styles' in Wiesbaden / Germany. It was a great honor to take part in one of the best known graffiti festivals in the world and I am totally stoked that I was [...]

Lapiz at Meeting of Styles 20162017-04-26T13:02:34+00:00
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