Every human being is unique, there are no two people in the world that are the same. This is why fingerprints were used, as even identical twins don’t share the same pattern. The fingerprints show different people that are not members of the dominating community, because of their looks, gender, religion, origin or sexual orientation but who like everyone else should have the same rights, opportunities and are inspiring. This mural is promoting an open, diverse, colourful and democratic society:
Version 1: at Eidelstedt.Zusammen.Gestalten
- On orange background Tessa Ganserer, one of two transgender women in German pariliament.
- On green background Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim, a German chemist and science journalist.
- On blue background Leeroy Matata a former wheelchair basketball player and influencer.
- The yellow background is left open deliberately. It is the place holder for all the people, known or unknown, personal heroes and yourself.
Version 2: at Secret City Paderborn
- (addtionally) On yellow background: Margot Friedländer, a German activist and Holocaust survivor
Version 3: in Hildesheim
- (additionally) On purple background: Michel Abdollahi, a journalist.
~ Hamburg, Paderborn, Hildesheim / Germany ~